• Question: hi Claire, don`t you think the job that you were working for before (doing surgery on patient`s hearts) was a little bit gruesome. I mean seeing all the blood and gore inside the body. The human body is a very interesting thing but the masses of blood just freak me out!!! BYE :)

    Asked by nadeem to Claire on 19 Jun 2014.
    • Photo: Claire Brockett

      Claire Brockett answered on 19 Jun 2014:

      Hi Nadeem
      I didn’t actually have to see much blood when I was working with hearts – most of the testing I did was using things that attached to, or was in contact with, the skin. I probably see a bit more blood now.
      I don’t find it gorey and you can get used to seeing these things. But don’t be put off medical engineering if you don’t like blood – plenty of researchers don’t go anywhere near it 🙂
