• Question: Do you make the devices or do you find and make the regenerative medicine

    Asked by osama to Alex on 17 Jun 2014.
    • Photo: Alex Lyness

      Alex Lyness answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      Hey osama,

      I don’t make the regenerative medicine, I make device that enable the medicines (made from human cells) to be delivered or injected into people.

      Biologists and chemical and process engineers work to develop the cells and understand how they work in the body and can be grown better. Then they need someone like me who knows about biomechanics of human skin and tissue and how the device should be designed to get the medicine to the right place in the body so it can start repairing an injury/illness.

      That’s a very attentive question! Well done on spotting there’s a difference.

      Does what I put make sense to you?
